Human Resources and Gender Equality
Talent Acquisition and Development Unit
Strategic human resources development includes the systematic recognition and development of the employee potential in individuals, teams and organisational units, from their entry until their retirement. We support employees of the academic and general university staff with our expertise to successfully meet current and future requirements. Our measures include training courses focused on competences and target groups, offers for leadership development, IT and language courses, coaching, team and organisational development as well as mediation and demand-oriented initiatives.
Culture and Equality Unit
The Gender and Equality Unit develops equality strategies and contributes to the realisation of these strategies with a wide range of offers, thereby always striving towards an inclusive university providing equal opportunities to all. Our work focuses on structural aspects and changing the organisational culture on the one hand, and on individual career support and counselling on the other, to facilitate overcoming structural barriers. The basis for strategy and concept development is the continuous monitoring of equality-relevant data. The data can be used to highlight successes and identify potential areas for action.